This sampler includes 2 papers, a sticker, and 1 page border stickers. It is a taste of the So Pretty kit, which is available at my store and on sale for 20% off!
Here's a preview of the whole kit it goes with:
So Pretty
With so much going on at My Scrap Shop for NSD, I am having a hard time deciding what to mention first hehe. Everyone is staying busy, getting coupons and prizes together for the chat on Saturday. They also have been collaborating on something new and big for MSS that will start right before NSD. I can't tell you what it is, but I can tell you it is going to rock.
I am anticipating a newsletter coming out today or tomorrow depending how fast my fingers can type.
And The Exterminators are coming to my house today to spray for ants. Fun.
Copyright Notice
All works on this site are copyright "Pillowgirl" aka Elizabeth Blust. If they are offered for free download, please respect and follow the Terms of Use that comes with the file. It is AGAINST MY TOU to redistribute these files. It is also against my TOU for you to direct folks straight to my 4shared link. Please send them to this blog directly to get the links. I will be more clear even: It is against my TOU for you to take my file, reupload it to 4shared or any other file sharing site, and redistribute it. It is against my TOU for you to take my file, put it in a zip with other files, then upload and share it on another site. It is against my TOU for you to take one paper out of my kit, put it with your tutorial, and redistribute it on another site. It is against my TOU for you to make Quickpages with my designs and redistribute the quickpage on your site (unless I gave you permission in email or writing.) It is against my TOU for you to print out my file, rescan it, then put it up as your own, or even with credit to me, and redistribute it. Man, it's sad that I have to be that blunt.
Love the sampler! (although to me it's an add-on, lol)
Very cute things. Thank you so much!!
That kit and sampler are "so pretty"! hee, hee Thanks for sharing.
pretty kit! thanks a lot for sharing!
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