Hi everyone!
As many of you know, I have had some pretty un-fun health issues over the past few years. A couple of weeks ago I ended up going to the hospital because I was numb on once side and having basically the symptoms of a stroke. I found out that my neurosarcoidosis is in a "flare up" and have had a real interesting time the past few weeks.
I went to the doctor today and we decided that it is time for me to change my lifestyle. He wrote me a note to exhaust my FMLA time on a leave of absence (so I can keep my insurance a little longer) and I am no longer working as of today.
What does that mean? I am now a full time digital scrapbook designer and store owner. Pretty neat job, huh? Well... I hope! So to celebrate and to kinda get y'all to come check out my store, I have put all of my products on sale for at least 25% off. Come see what I have to offer at
Also, please come visit me in the forums there, I will be spending a lot more time in them now. And I 'd love to get to spend some of it with you :)
Copyright Notice
All works on this site are copyright "Pillowgirl" aka Elizabeth Blust. If they are offered for free download, please respect and follow the Terms of Use that comes with the file. It is AGAINST MY TOU to redistribute these files. It is also against my TOU for you to direct folks straight to my 4shared link. Please send them to this blog directly to get the links. I will be more clear even: It is against my TOU for you to take my file, reupload it to 4shared or any other file sharing site, and redistribute it. It is against my TOU for you to take my file, put it in a zip with other files, then upload and share it on another site. It is against my TOU for you to take one paper out of my kit, put it with your tutorial, and redistribute it on another site. It is against my TOU for you to make Quickpages with my designs and redistribute the quickpage on your site (unless I gave you permission in email or writing.) It is against my TOU for you to print out my file, rescan it, then put it up as your own, or even with credit to me, and redistribute it. Man, it's sad that I have to be that blunt.
CONGRATS!!!!!! SO happy for you!!!! However, hope you feel beeter too! Hugs!
I'm not quite sure as to congratulate you or not... It's sad you're health issues have come to this point. However, you 'sound' happy enough to be fulltime designer and store owner...
So, I'll follow scrappindove in saying CONGRATS, on following your dreams, and hope your health will improve too.
Woo Hoo! I am so excited for you! I am believing that your health will improve with this new joy in your life. Praying for you too!
Aw babe...I'm so sorry you're going thru this, but welcome to the world of full time scrapping on disability. Looking forward to see what wonderous things you come up with! For me, I NEVER had time for creative pursuits when I was working 70 hour weeks in the mortgage industry. I'd say that the freedom to create is def the silver lining to being disabled with fibromalygia, and being able to create keeps me sane while stuck at home. I'm at orachel54@yahoo if you wanna chat with another person stuck at home with health issues and designing to stay sane and happy!
Best to you...your life will change in huge ways, but keeping your eye on the positives is about the best you can do to feel better!!
Yes Indeed CONGRATULATIONS!! and I hope your health problems stay in the rears so you can enjoy your new freedom :)
Thank You for all the wonderful freebies and gifts!
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