WOW, I got in a mood this morning. I woke up, weighed myself and am down to 259 pounds, which is a sight better than where I started my diet at. And I thought to myself, I better go work out... so I flipped on my Photoshop and started "Pumping some iron"... iron embellishments that is :)
I love the look of wrought iron, especially as it ages. These elements have that feel to them. I hope you can find good uses for them. I envision them on heritage pages, where you are showing the strong traditions of your family that have stood the test of time, much like a nice iron gate or piece of art stands the test of time... call me cheesy, it's ok :)

These are available now at My Scrap Shop for $1 for the whole set.
Check them out here.On a side note, I am putting together a 4x4 chipboard brag book for my mom for Mother's Day. It is going to be a Grandma's Brag Book with photos of Maia. I want something elegant that appropriately captures the love a grandma gives to their grandchildren. I need elements and kits that print well on a home printer. Any suggestions of freebies or inexpensive items I should check out? Comment me!
Copyright Notice
All works on this site are copyright "Pillowgirl" aka Elizabeth Blust. If they are offered for free download, please respect and follow the Terms of Use that comes with the file. It is AGAINST MY TOU to redistribute these files. It is also against my TOU for you to direct folks straight to my 4shared link. Please send them to this blog directly to get the links. I will be more clear even: It is against my TOU for you to take my file, reupload it to 4shared or any other file sharing site, and redistribute it. It is against my TOU for you to take my file, put it in a zip with other files, then upload and share it on another site. It is against my TOU for you to take one paper out of my kit, put it with your tutorial, and redistribute it on another site. It is against my TOU for you to make Quickpages with my designs and redistribute the quickpage on your site (unless I gave you permission in email or writing.) It is against my TOU for you to print out my file, rescan it, then put it up as your own, or even with credit to me, and redistribute it. Man, it's sad that I have to be that blunt.
I agree, great for heritage scrapping. Thank you for sharing your hard work.
i have no surggestions, sorry but thank you for sharing your awesome awesome talent! :)
Thanks so much! I love them!
Oh, I just iron elements on my pages, and these looks really nice. Thanks alot!
Thanks for these iron elements. They will look great!
I'm so glad you like to "pump iron". These are so pretty. Thank you for much. You are doing great on you weight loss.
Thanks for sharing! This ones looks great!
These will come in handy, thank you. ;)
Wow, the iron elements are incredible! Thanks for sharing them!
these elements are so 'em! Thanks again for the coool stuff.
Thanks so much...these are somply terrific...;o)
Thanks a lot for sharing!!!
TY so very much for these cool embellishments!!
Love the iron elements. Thanks for sharing them with us!
Wow! Love these. Thanks so much
TFS!! Great stuff for heritage LOs.
What absolutely fabulous elements, perfect for old worldish type pages, which I'm attempting at the moment. You are a treasure. Thank you.
Oh wow - your iron elements are just awesome ! Thank you so much for sharing your hard work with us !
wow they're just fantastic! thank you!!
c'est très joi, merci beaucoup!
Sure hope you feel the need to exercise often because I just LOVE the way you pump iron. Seriously I think these are the best gifts you've ever made! The butterfly is especially rawkin!
Nice elements.tfs
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