the site so cool I put my name on it lol


the site so cool I put my name on it lol


the site so cool I put my name on it lol


the site so cool I put my name on it lol


the site so cool I put my name on it lol


the site so cool I put my name on it lol

the site so cool I put my name on it lol

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Fun Contest and another freebie

Luckybug is having a layout contest that you all might enjoy. Also, as part of the contest they will be using my freebies. Right now on their forum, they are giving away a Christmas freebie that I have never released. It's one of my favorites. Go on over to their forum and get the freebie and join in on the contest!http://www.luckybugscrapbooking.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=532

I have been fighting a nasty sinus cold for the past 5 weeks. It seems to have no end. I have been to a doctor, don't worry... just with my health condition and medication for it, I have virtually no immune system so I am a super slow healer. It's kickin me in the butt today. I had to come home early from work and I slept for about 5 hours this afternoon. Hopefully I will still get some sleep tonight.I would like to thank those of you who have emailed me to check and see where I have been... I am just trying to take it as easy as I can so I can MAYBE get over this cold before Christmas, argh. Ever wonder what different cities do to celebrate Christmas? Here in Utah, Salt Lake City has a big light festival. It mostly takes place downtown at the temple grounds for the LDS Church. The photos in this post are from the Lights On ceremony they do every year on the day after Thanksgiving. It is free to the public and they hold it til January.


Unknown said...

I love this idea. Im going to give it a try. ;))

VJ's Scrap Room said...

Thanks for the freebie:)I sure appreciate it!Have a fantastic day!

Copyright Notice

All works on this site are copyright "Pillowgirl" aka Elizabeth Blust. If they are offered for free download, please respect and follow the Terms of Use that comes with the file. It is AGAINST MY TOU to redistribute these files. It is also against my TOU for you to direct folks straight to my 4shared link. Please send them to this blog directly to get the links.
I will be more clear even: It is against my TOU for you to take my file, reupload it to 4shared or any other file sharing site, and redistribute it. It is against my TOU for you to take my file, put it in a zip with other files, then upload and share it on another site. It is against my TOU for you to take one paper out of my kit, put it with your tutorial, and redistribute it on another site. It is against my TOU for you to make Quickpages with my designs and redistribute the quickpage on your site (unless I gave you permission in email or writing.) It is against my TOU for you to print out my file, rescan it, then put it up as your own, or even with credit to me, and redistribute it.
Man, it's sad that I have to be that blunt.